"Believe San Decors" will be the name to remember for any occasion without any doubt. I had planned to call in Bronson Charles for making my big day even more brighter and colourful. And with no doubt, he made it much more beautiful than what we thought. When I had zero clue as to what I was looking for in terms of the background that needs to be put up on the stage, he just gave the best of options. I ended up choosing a background setup that's done for a 15foot stage whereas mine was 25foot. And Charles managed it in a beautiful manner though we found out about this confusion just the night before my wedding. I've seen these guys grow right from their inception in 2017 and now to see them to grow up to this status and having them as my wedding decor planner was an absolute pleasure. The moment when I got to enter inside the hall with my better half with all the Groomsmen and the Bridesmaids lined up, the crowd waiting for us and me looking into the stage along with the 14 couples ready welcoming is was pure bliss and it took me to the state of bewilderment. The moment that I would forever cherish. Much love to Charles, Juniya and the whole Believe San Decors team. Love, Emmanuel Philip Mannie❤️
